Thursday, February 1, 2007

"big two-hearted river"

Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway was born in a small suburb of chicago in 1899. he was born to a controlling mother that he sometimes reffered to as the "bitch". he started of working as a repoter, and later on ended up working as a medic in world war 1. As an author his writing style was sharp, to the point, and deceptively simple, which can be attributed to his time as a reporter. He is most known for his novel "old man and the sea". Late in his life he became depressed, and eventually commited suicide in 1961.

"Nick's heart tightened as the trout moved. He felt all the old feeling. He turned and looked down the stream. It stretched away,pebbly-bottomed with shallows and big boulders and a deep pool as it curvedaway around the foot of a bluff."

this passage is descibing a trout as it fled from a king-fisher. up to this point nick had being watching the trout as it resited the fast flow of the current. resistance being an important theme in the story, had been abandoned by the trout at the sight of the bird. this coincides with a bad feeling arising in the narrator as it brings back "all the old feeling". I can relate to this passage and the narrator. In my own desire to keep faults in the back of my mind to avoid any feelings of sadness or frustration, I attempt to stay busy to remain preoccupied. the things i do to remain busy symbolize my resistance. offcourse the slightest reminder of my faults and short-comings represent the king-fisher, and the abandonment of my resistance, which leads to the feeling of sadness and frustration.

tragedy: the past.

comedy: the river, and the way it offers an escape.

how can the tragedy be turned into a comedy? by dealing with the past if possible, and getting rid of the need to escape.

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